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Get rid of autoload.php

Inspired from simple-psr-4-autoloader .

Have you ever used a composer.json file purely for the need of registering a PSR-4 autoloader? I have, and it always felt a little weird to require such a hunk of code for such a simple task. It adds a vendor folder and a bunch of empty files. I don’t like that overhead when it’s not necessary.

It’s also not ment to replace Composer in any way, because that is way more optimized. It’s just that for a simple plugin or theme you don’t need the overhead Composer creates.

spl_autoload_register(function (string $class_name): void {
    $namespace = 'MyProject';
    if (strpos($class_name, $namespace) === 0) {
        $class_file = './src';
        $class_file .=
                [$namespace, '\\'],
                ['', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR],
                . '.php';
        if (file_exists($class_file)) {
            require_once $class_file;

Add this code to autoload.php and include it in index.php (or any other entrypoint you may have).

Log resources usage without third-party software and only using bash


# Function to get network upload and download
get_network_data() {
    # Adjust the following lines to match your system/network interface
    network_data=$(cat /proc/net/dev | grep eth0 | awk '{print $2, $10}')
    network_upload=$(echo $network_data | awk '{print $1}')
    network_download=$(echo $network_data | awk '{print $2}')

# Function to get percentage of disk usage
get_disk_usage() {
    disk_usage=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}')

# Function to get CPU percentage
get_cpu_percentage() {
    cpu_percentage=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | sed "s/.*, *\([0-9.]*\)%* id.*/\1/" | awk '{print 100 - $1}')

# Function to get RAM percentage
get_ram_percentage() {
    ram_percentage=$(free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0}')

# Function to get current date and time
get_datetime() {
    datetime=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# Fetch all metrics

# Display the data
echo "$datetime, upload $network_upload KB, download $network_download KB, disk $disk_usage, cpu $cpu_percentage %, ram $ram_percentage %"

Mastering Google Search Console: A Tactical Guide

Google Search Console (GSC) is the secret weapon in your SEO arsenal—versatile, powerful, and sometimes underutilized. If you’re aiming to conquer the search rankings, understanding GSC is mission-critical. Here’s a tactical breakdown of its main menus and submenus, infused with a touch of humor to keep things engaging.

1. Dashboard

  • Overview: Your command center upon logging in. It provides a snapshot of your site’s performance metrics—clicks, impressions, and any lurking issues. Think of it as the morning briefing before you head into battle.

2. Performance

  • Search Results: Automatically enabled, this is where the rubber meets the road. It displays performance data like click-through rates and average positions. It’s your site’s report card—aim for straight A’s!
  • Discover: No setup required. This tracks your site’s visibility in Google Discover. It answers the question, “Are we accidentally famous yet?”
  • Google News: Enabled if your site is featured in Google News. It provides performance data for news articles, so you can see if your headlines are making headlines.

3. URL Inspection

  • Inspect any URL: Enter any URL to check its indexing status and crawl details. It’s like asking Google, “Do you know this page exists, or is it lost in cyberspace?”

4. Coverage

  • Errors: Automatically generated list of pages with indexing errors. These are the potholes on your website’s highway—time to get the repair crew.
  • Valid with Warnings: Pages that are indexed but have issues needing attention. Consider them the teenagers of your site—mostly good but occasionally rebellious.
  • Valid: Successfully indexed pages. These are your model citizens.
  • Excluded: Pages intentionally not indexed. They’re in witness protection for a reason.

5. Sitemaps

  • Submitted Sitemaps: Submit your sitemaps here to keep Google informed about your site structure. It tracks submission status and any errors—because even Google appreciates a good roadmap.
  • Individual URL Submissions: Roll out the red carpet for specific pages by submitting individual URLs for crawling. Perfect for those VIP pages needing immediate attention.

6. Experience

  • Core Web Vitals: Enabled by default, this measures user experience metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). In layman’s terms, it’s making sure your site isn’t a haunted house of slow load times and unexpected jumpscares.
  • Mobile Usability: Automatically enabled, it identifies issues affecting mobile users. Because in a world where smartphones are essentially an extra limb, mobile friendliness isn’t optional.

7. Links

  • External Links: No setup needed. It measures backlinks to your site—the digital high-fives from other websites.
  • Internal Links: Auto-enabled, tracking how well your site pages connect with each other. Strong internal links are like a close-knit family—everyone supports each other.
  • Top Linking Sites: Lists the domains that most frequently link to you. Think of it as your site’s fan club.
  • Top Linking Text: Identifies the most common anchor text used in links to your site. It’s useful to know how others are labeling you—nicknames and all.

8. Enhancements

  • Breadcrumbs: Implement breadcrumb structured data in your HTML to improve navigation. After all, even Hansel and Gretel needed breadcrumbs to find their way.
  • FAQ: Use FAQ schema markup to help Google understand your frequently asked questions. It’s like providing the answers before the questions are even asked—a time-saver for everyone.
  • How-to: Add how-to structured data to showcase your tutorial content. Teach the world to bake sourdough or change a tire—your expertise deserves the spotlight.
  • Mobile Usability: Same as in the “Experience” menu, ensuring your mobile visitors aren’t dealing with tiny text and impossible buttons.
  • Sitelinks Searchbox: Implement search box structured data to provide users with a search option directly in the search results. Because who doesn’t appreciate shortcuts?
  • Videos: Use video schema markup to help your multimedia content shine in search results. Lights, camera, index!

9. Security & Manual Actions

  • Security Issues: Alerts you to any security problems detected on your site. It’s the guard dog that never sleeps, keeping cyber miscreants at bay.
  • Manual Actions: Displays any manual penalties imposed by Google. Hopefully, this area remains as empty as a desert island—no news is good news here.

10. Legacy Tools and Reports

  • International Targeting: Use hreflang tags to target specific regions and languages. Whether you’re saying “Hello,” “Hola,” or “你好,” make sure your content greets users appropriately.
  • Crawl Stats: Auto-generated statistics on Googlebot’s crawling activity. Ever wonder how often Google stops by? Now you can track its visits like a friendly neighbor.
  • Messages: View communications from Google regarding your site. It’s like checking your mailbox—sometimes it’s good news, occasionally it’s bills.
  • URL Parameters: Specify how URL parameters should be handled to affect crawl behavior. Tame those wild URL parameters before they lead Google on a wild goose chase.

11. Settings

  • Ownership Verification: Verify ownership via HTML files, DNS records, or meta tags. It’s Google’s way of ensuring you’re the rightful captain of this ship.
  • Users and Permissions: Add, remove, or modify user permissions. Control who has access—too many cooks can spoil the SEO broth.
  • Change of Address: Notify Google when moving your site to a new domain. Consider it your website’s forwarding address form.
  • Site Settings: Manage site settings such as crawl rate. It’s like setting your site’s cruise control for Google’s crawlers.

By strategically leveraging each section of Google Search Console, you can transform your website from an online presence into an SEO powerhouse. Regular check-ins with GSC will keep you ahead of potential issues and ensure your site is always performing at its peak.

Remember, in the high-stakes game of search rankings, staying informed and proactive isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity. So suit up, dive into GSC, and let the data guide you to the top of the search results.

Pro Tip: Bookmark key reports in GSC for quick access. Your future self will thank you when you’re navigating through data like a seasoned pro.

Why “www” is Essential for Domain Names: A Fun Twist on Tradition and Modernity

In the wild west of web protocols, the “www” prefix stands as a trusty, old sheriff. While it may seem like a nostalgic nod to the early days of the internet, there’s a solid reason we like to keep things classic with “www”. Let’s go on a little adventure, shall we?

The Importance of “www” in Domain Names

Subdomains and Organization: Picture this: subdomains are like rooms in a massive mansion. If FTP and mail have their fancy rooms, why should the apex domain be left out in the cold? By using “www,” we’re basically giving our apex domain a cozy place to live, making it protocol-agnostic and keeping things neutral.

The Classic “www” Prefix

Consistency and User Experience: “www” is more than just a prefix—it’s like the secret handshake of the internet. When you see “www,” you immediately know you’re dealing with the web’s crème de la crème. Dropping it might leave some less tech-savvy folks scratching their heads, wondering where their old friend “www” went.

Browser Behavior and Modern Practices

Modern browsers are pretty slick—they often hide “www” and the schema (http or https) to streamline your experience. But just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not doing its job. By redirecting apex domains to “www” on ports 80 and 443, we’re making sure all web traffic comes to the right party.

Embracing Web3 and Decentralization

As we tip our hats to the future with Web3 and decentralized web infrastructures, the role of domain names gets even bigger. Think of “www” as the bridge between the trusty ol’ town and the shiny new city. It’s a familiar anchor point, guiding users through the wild frontier of Web3.


While the internet gallops forward, certain traditions like “www” deserve their place in the hall of fame. Embracing “www” as a subdomain ensures protocol neutrality, keeps things consistent, and makes life easier for everyone. Even as we step into Web3, this classic prefix serves as the friendly guide you can count on.

So, whether you’re setting up a new website or tending to an old one, give a tip of the hat to “www”. After all, some traditions are not just worth preserving—they’re worth celebrating.
